In any quest, I always bring Fenris with me, not only because I have Certain Intentions for him, but also because I need a warrior in my party. Since Bethany has joined the Circle of Magi, I always bring Anders as my mage, and then I switch between Varric and Aveline for my last companion. I never bring Merrill with me unless she is locked into a slot for a specific quest because I prefer not to have her and her issues along with me (hindi naman ako galit) XD
Also, when I talk to her, I choose less friendly tones. However, when she asked for the arulin'holm, though I initially did not want to, I decided to give it to her. You see, even if I prefer not to have her around, I still try to be reasonable XD I gave her the arulin'holm because I have no use for it anyway. If, in the end, she ends up hurting herself then that's Her doing. XD
In other news, Aveline has finally managed a new love life XD She and I were talking when her New Boyfriend came and wanted to speak with her. I stepped out and waited for ages by the door, until I heard laughter and decided there are more important things for me to do XD
As for MY own life, I came home to find MY Fenris waiting for me by the fireplace, playing with Kinoko, my Mabari. Oh Fenris. See he has such a big weapon.
After he left, I found my new servant waiting for me. She thought I was going to make her a slave but I broke the good news to her that from now on she will be paid for her services. She almost fainted with surprise because apparently, everyone in their family had been a slave, and she is the first ever paid servant among them.
On the side, Petrice has been killed by a Qunari. The Grand Cleric who reminds me of Judy Dench did not seem to mind, although I am sure she would have scolded me if I threw a party in the Chantry for being rid of Petrice the Pest.
Speaking of Qunari, I also came to face the Arishok.
Fenris suggested the Arishok and I fight to the death. (Yes I let Fenris live after his Wonderful Suggestion. And yes I still have The Same Intentions.)
After what felt like forever (or so I thought after trying to defeat the High Dragon later on), I finally defeated Arishok. It was kind of tedious though. I had to keep running so he won't rush into me with that super quick deadly pouncing, and so I could replenish my Backstab Mana and my Healing Potions. I also kept my Mabari around so he could attack the Arishok during his dazed moments.
After a series of stressful events, I came by the mansion of Fenris and we shared a bottle of vintage. Nothing steamy yet. Hahahaha.
Afterward I went to the quest started by Anders, until we came to the Bone Pit and encountered the High Dragon. After what felt like an eternity of fiery suffering, I decided to reload after Anders' quest, and move on with my life. I might try to come back and KILL the High Dragon when I am stronger.
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