Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Far, My Four Endings

My 9 hours began some time ago, and I have come to four possible endings. However, after more replays, I found myself in one of the same four.

Then a few nights ago, I decided to get back to it. I had to check out a walkthrough to get an idea what combinations of answers I should choose. I've pretty much chosen all possible answers, but my combinations did not really match up to produce a new ending. So this time, I chose the combination of Doors 4, 7, and 1. After that, I was surprised to see that there would still be plenty of things that will happen and unfold. As of last night I saved and stopped at the part where Hongou was totally furious XD

The game is really exciting, except that I do not like that it seems to take forever to get to the next conversation line or topic. But generally, I like the game. I also read somewhere that you get to maximize the game if you get the Axe, Safe, Knife, and Submarine endings (the four that I got) before arriving at the True ending. So I guess it was good that I came to my four endings first.

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